12:30 PM12:30

Education & Finance

Tammy McInerney, Vice Chair of the New Milford Board of Education, Michele Stawasz, candidate for the New Milford Board of Education and Barbara Wolf current Board of Finance member will be discussing how Education, our schools and finance all interweave. What can be done on both fronts to improve and support our schools better, so our children have the best education possible.

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7:30 PM19:30

Town Council Candidate - Jeff Winter

Come meet Jeff Winter and discuss all things New Milford. Jeff has been a long-time advocate of improving the quality of life in New Milford. Jeff has been involved civicly in nNew Milford for many years by serving on many boards and commissions in addition to local philanthropic endeavors. Jeff would love to meet you and hear your wishes, dreams concerns and hopes for your family and all of New Milford.

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