

  1. Affordable and accessible quality healthcare for all.

  2. Empowering women and expanding women’s rights. We support access to reproductive healthcare and legal abortions for all women throughout their childbearing years.

  3. Equal pay for equal work.

  4. Equity and inclusion for BIPOC, all religions, people with disabilities, women, LGBTQIA.

  5. We support strong unions.

  6. Gun Safety legislation.

  7. Protecting our environment and natural resources.

  8. Immigration reform and humane policies at the border.

  9. Supporting our veterans and military families.

  10. Saving and improving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

  11. Criminal justice system reform.

  12. Tax reform.

  13. Fully funded and supported public schools.

  14. Voting rights protected and access to voting improved.

  15. A coherent foreign policy that recognizes the importance of the NATO Alliance and promotes democratic values globally.

  16. Safeguarding our freedom of the press as a fundamental right.